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Call for submissions

We have ongoing various submission calls and other collaborations.
If you want to be sure not to miss a submission call or other opportunity to collaborate with us, sign up for our newsletter for designers here: Newsletter, designers.
Below you will find the submission calls that are relevant right now.

The Great Divas // SOCKTOBER 2024
Deadline for submitting design drafts: 22/4-24

This year's Socktober collection is inspired by the greatest divas of all time - those who inspire us with their raw feminine radiance and power.
To be considered as a designer for the collection, you must submit a design proposal for a sock inspired by your own personal muse (living or historical).
How you let yourself be inspired is entirely up to you, but we make the following two requirements for your diva:
1: Must exude pure feminine power
2: Must be a performing artist
The collection will be part of this year's Socktober package, where there will be hand-dyed yarn with a color specially developed for your and the other selected designs. The packages will be sent out for the start of knitting on 1 October 2024.
- Your stocking must be knitted in our hand-dyed stocking yarn, which you can see here
- The recipe must be graduated from size 36 to 42 as a minimum
- We only accept original designs, and these must not have been sold or displayed elsewhere
We buy the rights to the recipe from you.
We sponsor yarn for development of the recipe and for test knitting of 1 model.
You must arrange for test knitting of the pattern yourself, but we are happy to put you in touch with some skilled testers.
We will proofread the recipe and carry out a technical review, but we expect that the designer himself has proofread and made a tech edit on the recipe before it is sent.
We set up the recipe graphically in our own layout.
Deadline for submitting design proposals: 22/4-24
You will receive an email that your design has been selected no later than 26/4 and receive the yarn for developing the model no later than 1/6.
The finished recipe and the finished model must be in our hands no later than 1 /9-24.
The collection goes live 1/10-2024.

We appreciate design suggestions from everyone, regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual identity and age.
Note that you do not need to have a large portfolio of recipes, we are proud to include new designers. All design proposals will be carefully assessed and considered.

We must receive pictures of a drawing and a knitting sample for the design.
On the drawing, or as text next to it, there must be an explanation about design elements such as e.g. pattern/stockinette stitch/special details.

The knitting sample must be knitted in a yarn quality that matches our stocking yarn, so that the fiber composition and knitting strength are the same. We are happy to guide you if you are in doubt.

In addition, we would like a short text about your thoughts with the design and where you got the inspiration from.
The whole thing is sent together with name, contact information and profile on social media to the email below, with the heading "Submission, Divas", no later than April 22.

We are happy to receive recipes in Danish, English and Norwegian.